Home School Information
Vance County Schools Welcomes Home School Families
Vance County Schools recognizes that families have many educational choices available for their children. Our goal is to create the best possible educational choice for all Vance County children and families. One of the greatest attributes of the Vance County community is our commitment to collaborating to identify ways to support our children and improve our quality of life. Our schools offer a variety of programs and services we believe can benefit homeschool students. We encourage you to consider participating in the variety of classes and opportunities offered on our campuses.
Anyone interested in learning more about the educational opportunities in Vance County Schools may contact Dr. Cindy Bennett, Superintendent. She can be reached by phone at 252-492-2127 or by email at cbennett@vcs.k12.nc.us. For additional information, you may also contact Dr. Destiney Ross-Putney, Chief Officer of Curriculum and Instruction, at 252-492-2127 or dross@vcs.k12.nc.us. and Rey Horner, Chief Officer of Student Services, at 252-492-2127 or rhorner@vcs.k12.nc.us.
Opportunities For Homeschoolers
- Academically and Intellectually Gifted (AIG) classes at the elementary, middle and high school levels
- Music and art classes at the elementary, middle and high school levels
- Special after school activities in elementary schools such as Girls on the Run, STRIDE, Boy and Girl Scouts and JOY Club
- Project-based learning for students in grades 6-8 at the STEM Early High School
- Band instruction at the middle school and high school levels
- Virtual classes at the middle and high school levels
- Math Club, Science Club, Spanish Club, Key Club, 4-H Robotics Club and more at the high school level
- Specialized Career and Technical Education classes, such as Junior ROTC
- Dual enrollment at Vance-Granville Community College at the high school level
- Vance Medical Academy
- Fire & Public Safety Academy