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Use VCS Facilities

Vance County Schools offers our community the ability to rent our facilities when available. Access the Facility Rental Application to view rates, rules, requirements, and regulations. 


Complete the hard copy of the application and drop it off at the VCS Administrative Services Center, located at 1724 Graham Avenue, Henderson. 

Should you have questions, you can contact the Chief Communication Officer, Aarika Sandlin, at


  • If your rental is approved, you will be notified to submit your security deposit, certificate of insurance (required for all rentals), rental fees, as well as personnel fees. 
  • Our application process utilized a system called "Droplet". Please be on the lookout, as communication is initiated by that system.
  • Summer availability of rentals, which includes June and July, will be posted soon. 
  • August is a closed month for rentals, as schools are hosting events for Back to School and scheduling events for the coming year.
  • Our summer rentals are minimized each year to accommodate summer programs, capital projects, and cleaning schedules. Once approved by the BOE each spring, the available facilities are posted to this site.
  • No rentals for the month of August to allow our schools the opportunity to calendar their events and utilize all spaces as needed.

  • Additional information, usage terms, and requirements is located in the facility rental application (located above).

    Facility Rental Fee Schedule

    All rentals are based on availability and approval, with school-sponsored events taking priority.

    *Athletic Fields/Tracks/Stadium Option:
    Option 1: Custodian: on site for the duration of the event, opens the facility, handles all trash removal, closes the facility.
    Option 2: Coordinator: on site for the duration of the event, opens the facility, the lessee removes all trash, closes the facility / should the lessee not uphold their agreement for clean-up, the custodial fee will come out of the security deposit.

    Classification of Charges for Facility Use
    Tier 1: Non-profit groups/businesses doing programming with school-age children, citizen groups open to the public and government agency use: Tier 1 Rental Fee, Personnel if meeting outside of normal scheduled facility hours. Security deposit required.

    Tier 2: Non-profit group meetings, faith-based groups, civic groups, businesses, fraternal organizations, weddings, reunions, receptions, dinners, etc. Tier 2 Rental Fee, Personnel and Security Deposit required.

    Tier 3: Non-profit groups hosting events requiring admission fees and for-profit groups. Tier 3 Rental Fee, Personnel and Security Deposit required.

    Funerals: all requests must originate from the funeral home/service in charge of arrangements. A $575 usage fee will be charged. Facility use will be for a maximum of 4 hours. Security deposit required. The renter will provide security personnel, if deemed necessary, and the school system has the right to determine the number of security personnel. Requests for funerals for current school staff members and students will be dealt with on an individual basis.







    Click the following link: Payment Center

    Click Login in the upper right corner

    Select "Continue as Guest" in the bottom center of the screen

    Select North Carolina

    Select Vance County Schools

    Click Continue

    Enter the amount of your facility rental agreement in the Rental Facility Fee Payment Box

    Click Add to Cart

    Then proceed to the cart and process your payment