Stay Connected with Vance County Schools
New Communication Platform
We are excited to share that Vance County Schools is upgrading our communication system, but with any transition, we may experience a few challenges as we adjust. We want to prepare you for that possibility with this message. We look forward to continually improving our communication tools so that we can deliver important information in a timely manner. With the new platform, the following is important to note:
- VCS District and School text messages will come from the number 60680
- VCS District and School phone calls will come from the phone number 855-269-0502
- The district and schools will be utilizing email for communication - please share your email with your child's school to receive all communication
Over the next couple of weeks, we will be transitioning to the new platform. If you do not receive a call, text and/or email from the new platform, please contact your child's school to update your information. We strongly recommend you connect an email, as it allows us to send you newsletters with important, time-sensitive information.