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Student Wellness Information

Student Health Forms:

Authorization Form for Special Health Care Procedures

Health Assessment Form

Medication Administration Form

Special Nutritional Needs Form

Student Accident Claim Form

Student Health Information:

Student Medications

Students requiring medication(s) during school hours need to have form JHCD-E1 completed by their health care provider. Medications should be in the container dispensed by a  pharmacy with the student’s name, name of medication, the date the prescription was filled and directions clearly marked. Over-the-counter medications such as Tylenol or Benadryl may be given if the medication is in a new unopened container.

Parents are responsible for transporting all medicines to school unless it is an emergency medicine that the child has permission to keep with him or her. Parents are responsible for monitoring medication expiration dates and replacing medications when expired. All unused, discontinued or outdated medication must be returned to the parent/guardian or disposed of at the end of each school year.

State law allows students who have met certain conditions to carry and self-administer emergency medications for asthma and severe, life-threatening allergies (anaphylaxis) during the school day and at all school sponsored after school events including transportation to and from the events. Medication includes asthma inhalers and injectable epinephrine.

It is the parent’s responsibility at the beginning of each school year to inform the child’s teacher, principal or school nurse if there are medical conditions that require special measures, such as dietary or activity restrictions at school for the student. School nurses are available for health consultation, but are not present at the school on a daily basis.

Immunization Requirements

No student shall attend a school (grades pre-k to 12) unless a certificate of immunization indicating that the child has received the required immunizations has been provided to the school. North Carolina state law requires the following minimum doses: 

  • 5 doses of Dtap
  • 4 doses of Polio
  • 2 doses of MMR
  • 3 Hepatitis B
  • 2 Varicella 
  • 1 booster dose of Tdap required for seventh graders
  • 1 Meningococcal conjugate vaccine (MCV) for seventh graders  

Health Assessment:

Effective July 1, 2016, all students who are enrolling in a public school in N.C. for the first time must present a health assessment within 30 days of enrollment. This applies to all students in grades Kindergarten - 12.

If the certificate of immunization and record of health assessment is not received by the school within the first 30 days, the principal is required by law to exclude the child from school on the 31st day until the parents present such evidence.

Additional Health Information

State of North Carolina legislation requires that schools adopt guidelines for the development and implementation of diabetes care. The guidelines were developed by the State Board Education with input from medical professionals. Parents should contact the school nurse for a Diabetes Care Plan.

North Carolina law mandates that schools provide parents with information about meningococcal meningitis and influenza and their vaccines. The flu is a highly contagious respiratory illness caused by influenza viruses. The flu vaccine is generally effective in preventing cases of the flu, and it is recommended that the vaccine be discussed with the student’s physician. Meningococcal meningitis is another respiratory illness with symptoms that may resemble the flu. Seek immediate medical care if your child develops fever, headache, stiff neck, nausea, vomiting, confusion, sleepiness and sensitivity to light.

Parents also must be given information about Human Papillomavirus (HPV). This disease is transmitted by skin to skin contact and many times can lead to cervical cancer in girls and women. The U.S. Center for Disease Control is urging girls from 5th grade to 12th grade to get the vaccine to help prevent HPV. For more information about the vaccine, go to Parents may also contact their child’s school nurse or call the Vance County Health Department at 252-492-7915.

The state’s Safe Surrender Law allows an overwhelmed parent to surrender a newborn baby, who is no more than seven days old and unharmed, to a responsible adult and walk away. The adult who receives the baby must keep it safe and call 911 or the county social services office immediately. 

Health Screenings 

Screenings are performed to detect potential health problems by school nurses, with parents notified of abnormal findings. Any parents who do not wish to have screenings done should provide this information in writing to the school. Students at any grade with evidence of problems relating to hearing, vision, dental or communicable disease will be screened or re-screened upon referral.