For Artists
Our Arts Alive art gallery, the Heart of the Art, opens on Arts Alive Saturday, April 26 in the lobby of McGregor Hall. Doors open at 3:00pm and the gallery remains open throughout the rest of our event that day.
We expect over 200 pieces of art from VCS students from all grade levels from Pre-K to our graduation seniors. This is an opportunity for all of our student artists to take the spotlight and have their artwork seen by our entire community and visitors to our event. Arts Alive typically draws a crowd of near 1000 people and all of this artwork is on display throughout the event. The Heart of the Art is a catered affair with heavy hors d'oeuvres provided by the VCS Culinary Arts program, led by Chef Ebony Mitchell and her students. All of our student artists and their families are welcome to be there when the doors open so our students can proudly see their work displayed in this amazing space. As with all things related to Arts Alive, all of this is at no cost!
Start your afternoon with The Heart of the Art and stay through our showcase performances.
Artists Permission Form (English) Artists Permission Form (Spanish)
There are no awards for the performance or the art gallery, but there are two special recognitions that are a part of The Heart of the Art. The Superintendent's Cabinet comes through the gallery and selects one piece that "speaks" to them. It is not considered "the best" or "first place" but simply a piece that all of them felt was special. This piece will be set in a special spot of the gallery, recognized on stage during the Showcase, and will be displayed at our district office for the next school year.
You will see signs in the gallery for VCS staff to select pieces that they really like and would love to see hanging in our central office and Center for Innovation for the next year. Again, this is not selecting "winners", but pieces that they enjoyed. Students will be notified by their teachers if any of their pieces are selected. [NOTE: All pieces that are displayed are in a 28" x 22" frame. 3D works and many canvas pieces will not fit into this. Students will still be notified if their piece was selected, even if it cannot be displayed]
- All VCS students can submit artwork. For tips on making your work "gallery-ready", see the Tips for Gallery-Ready Artwork" and The Arts Alive Minute
- All artwork media are acceptable - paint, pencil, crayon, collage, sculpture, digital...everything!
- Artwork must be original and generated by the student.
- No tracing or copying
- Students name should be ON THE BACK. We will have a label on the front with the students name, school, and grade.
- All artists must have a signed permission form submitted before their artwork will be accepted. This form can be found at the top of the page and on the Arts Alive homepage.
- Deadline for artwork submissions is March 28 so artwork can get mounted for the gallery.
More Arts Alive Minutes for artists will be coming soon! Keep checking back.