For Performers
A Quick Overview
Arts Alive 2025 is only months away, but auditions are coming up in weeks. If you are interesting in singing alone or in a group, dancing, playing your instrument, acting...this is your quick stop for all things related to performers and upcoming auditions.
A couple of things that you must know:
- Arts Alive is a showcase, not a talent show. Performances need to be prepared.
- All interested performers MUST audition and meet a certain standard to perform in this event. Arts Alive is not a walk in event. This is a chance to highlight those performers and groups that have prepared.
- All interested performers must have the permission form submitted prior to their audition. The permission form is on the Arts Alive homepage and is also linked on the bottom of this page.
- Auditioning does not guarantee that you will be selected to perform. We select the most prepared performers at the time of their auditions.
- Auditions are held at the individual school sites. If selected, all remaining dates are at either the Center for Innovation or McGregor Hall. VCS does not provide transportation to these rehearsals/events.
If you have not yet selected your music, you need to do so right now. The longer you wait, the less time you give yourself to prepare.
Arts Alive Audition Schedule (by School)
All performers/groups audition at their base school site according to the following schedule:
Aycock | March 3 |
Carver |
March 6 |
Clarke | March 4 |
Dabney | March 5 |
E.M. Rollins | March 3 |
E.O. Young | March 7 |
L.B. Yancey | March 4 |
New Hope | March 7 |
Pinkston St. | March 4 |
Zeb Vance | March 7 |
VCMS | March 7 |
STEM | March 5 |
Advance Academy | March 5 |
Vance Virtual | March 5 |
VCECHS | March 3 |
Times at each school will become clearer as the date approaches.
Who do I contact to audition?
- Aycock Ms. Boyd
- Carver Dr. Damon
- Clarke Ms. Hernandez
- Dabney Ms. Norwood
- E.M. Rollins Ms. Petrin/Ms. Terry
- E.O. Young Dr. Damon
- L.B. Yancey Mr. Hopkins
- New Hope Mr. Diggs
- Pinkston Street Mr. Hopkins
- Zeb Vance Ms. Rogers
- VCMS Mr. Massenburg
- STEM, V3, Adv. Acad. Mr. Markoch
- VCECHS Mr. Markoch
- VCHS Dr. Stokes/Ms. Simpson
Principals have this information so if you do not know who to contact, your principals do!
You can always reach out to Mr. Markoch (
Performers Permission Form (English)
Performers Permission Form (Spanish)
REMINDER: All performers must have a permission form submitted prior to their audition.
- NOW - Interested performers should be contacting music/art teachers and selecting music [This should be done as soon as possible. Auditions are only week away]
- Week of February 24 - final chance to request an audition (and this would be really late)
- Audition Week!!! Week of March 3 at all school sites [NOTE: VCHS auditions are on February 13]. All performers that are selected will be notified by March 10.
- March 18 and March 26 - Stage and Studio Nights at CFI - not required of performers
- April 2 and 3 - Tech Nights at McGregor Hall - all performers will be assigned a date/time and are required to attend
- April 25 - Dress Rehearsal at McGregor Hall - 6:00 - required of all performers
- April 26 - Arts Alive, including the Heart of the Art Gallery (3:00) and Performance Showcase (5:00)
ARTS ALIVE MINUTE for performers
(also available on our homepage)
Preparing to Audition - Overview
Preparing to Audition - Technique
Preparing to Audition - Confidence