McKinney-Vento Homeless Education
Students and families facing instability in housing are placed in a unique situation deserving of educational rights and services. This website contains valuable information and resources for students, unaccompanied youth, parents/legal guardians, school staff, and community partners. It is our goal to adequately identify and support students who qualify for educational services, identify and remove barriers to student learning, and involve parents/legal guardians in the educational process. It is our goal to assure that each student has an equal opportunity in the educational setting to achieve academic and personal success.
LEA/Charter School/Lab School data (*please see special note below):
Regular LEAs should have student counts for the past 3 years posted. (LEAs may elect to
also post links to the NCHEP Profile web page, as well as the NCHE NC State web page.
These two pages will provide state level homeless education data information.
Charter schools/lab schools should note that due to smaller student populations, there is
no requirement to post specific data counts to your website. Instead, charter schools/lab
schools should post a link to the NCHEP Profile web page (
Vance County Public Schools Contact
Homeless Liaison: Sharon Pettiford
North Carolina State’s Homeless Education Coordinator
Contact: Lisa Phillips