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VCS Homeless Flow Chart




Vance County Public Schools make every effort to comply with the federal and state mandates as they apply to homeless children and unaccompanied youth.

Vance County Schools Homeless Flow Chart 

Vance County Schools’ Program for Students identified as Homeless 

  • Equal access to educational and other services enabling them to meet the state student academic achievement standards to which all students are held;

  • Collaborative services for instructional support within the district, community agencies and providers;

  • Inform parents/legal guardians and unaccompanied youth of educational rights

  • Immediate enrollment, provision of transportation to school of origin, child nutrition services;

  • Parental involvement opportunities;

  • Title I support;

  • Educational assessment; and

  • School social work, counseling, and nursing services.

Facts about Homeless Education

Source: National Association for the Homeless Education and Youth

Homeless Children and Youth- Causes and Consequences

Source: National Center for Children in Poverty
