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Parent & Family Engagement

Parents' Right To Know

Overview of Adequate Yearly Progress, Title I, requirements for teacher and paraprofessional quality, and parent notification and involvement rights. The brochure is designed for parents of children attending Title I schools. Revised June 2004.   The 2001 reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) made it clearer than ever before that parents are the key stakeholders in their children's education. the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) imposed numerous new mandates requiring states, districts and schools to answer directly to parents for a failure to improve student performance. In April 2004, ED released extensive non-regulatory guidance on parental involvement. this document pulled together policies affecting parents that had previously appeared in separate pieces of guidance.        

Title I, Part A Parental Notice Requirements

Parent and Family Involvement Guide 

Parent and Family Involvement: A Guide to Effective Parent, Family, and Community Involvement in North Carolina Schools   This 2nd edition includes suggestions and resources for program enhancement and comes with a toolkit to help schools engage families and community members in the process of raising achievement for all children.

School Report Cards

NC Report Card Data